This past Wednesday, May 5th, the Rosenberg Library participated in Texas Library Snapshot Day. The purpose of this state-wide event is to capture information about the broad spectrum of visitors and activities taking place in libraries every day. In order to put together a “snapshot” of a typical day at our library, staff collected surveys, kept statistics and took pictures throughout the day.
On a single day, the library recorded approximately 670 visits! These numbers have been climbing steadily since the library reopened and island residents and visitors have heard that we’re back in business. Many of the people who came in on Wednesday took the time to fill out a brief survey on how they used the library. Forty percent of all respondents reported coming in for entertainment--to check out books, to take in toddler story time, or for a tour of the museum. People also came to the library to use computers for job searches or internet access, for programs such as the Basic Computer Class, to peruse our collection of current newspapers and magazines and to get help finding information or doing in-depth research. On a typical day our trained staff fields hundreds of questions ranging from information about local events, library policies, help finding books for children and adults, history of the library itself, and genealogical research.
Here’s a sample of comments left by survey respondents:
“Have been using this library for 40 years. Been to libraries all over the states and have found [Rosenberg Library] to be the most user friendly and the staff to be the most courteous! RL also has most up-to-date and new books.”
“Our library is a wonderful asset to the community. I enjoy reading and can always find several books.”
“Wonderful and diverse selection, great and friendly staff. 3rd floor museum and Galveston & Texas History Center are excellent … for inspiring new interests and understanding local history.”
"The Rosenberg Library is indeed an important and vital source of education and entertainment of the city of Galveston. It is one of its essential assets, a wondeful place to visit over and over again. A deep thanks to Mr. Rosenberg, a man of vision and goodness."
And a sincere thanks to all of the library visitors and staff who helped out on Snapshot Day and who work every day to make the Rosenberg Library a special place.